Monday, May 12, 2008

Thing 18-Tagging

As a media specialist, I highly endorse tagging. It's what we do~we assign tags (subject headings) to books to make them easier to access in our OPAC. Tags are a great way to group like websites together to make them easier to locate when you next need to find them. This is one of the advantages. A disadvantage is you need to think carefully about how you will tag. Will you use singular and plural (smartboard and smartboards are different catagories); will you use acronyms? (ELA or english). You really have to think what you are doing before you do it otherwise you have to go back and reorganize everything (I speak from experience!)
I like to look at other people's delicious accounts and see what websites they are visiting and how they are tagging their sites, also. It gives me an idea of how to tag things myself.

1 comment:

RESA 23Things said...

Ditto on having to go back and re-tag.I did the same thing. But the experience has made me a better, more thoughtful tagger.