Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thing 23-The beginning

This has been a great experience. I've become a huge fan of RSS. I always knew it would be helpful but never really took the time to learn how it could work for me. Bringing information to me instead of me going out and having to search for it gives me more time. Time is crucial in this job.
I've also enjoyed playing around with mashups and teachertube. Again, this forced me to take the time to see how these things worked. I really think the mashups would be a good way to have students demonstrate their understanding of concepts by using images and manipulating them. I'm going to play with them more this summer and figure out how to work them into projects.
I've always been a huge fan of working with web 2.0 tools. This program has just helped me identify more things to use and also shown me ways they are already being used. I plan to share this with the teachers in my building.
I think my biggest take away from the project is the confidence to continue looking for new ways to affect student learning and new ways to help teachers find ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of content.
I really hope you offer another project like this one focusing on other web 2.0 tools. It was the perfect way to learn. Thanks for your help and encouragement.

1 comment:

RESA 23Things said...

Great blog. Great sharing of information. Congratulations on completing the 23 Things and your new "Beginning."